- Since the original ISO 9001:2001 certification Unicast has undergone yearly surveillance audits, and recently recertified to meet ISO 9001:2015 in May of 2023.
- This dedication and certification proves our ability to serve our customers, not only in terms of service and delivery, but also in terms of the highest possible quality rating that can be achieved worldwide
- Responsible companies have concluded that acceptable quality and reliability can only be achieved if the company’s total resources and capabilities are marshaled toward this qualification goal.
- It is also quite clear that a company’s market position, and possibly even its survival, are dependent on the successful implementation of these proven quality improvement concepts.
- Unicast will continue to invest resources necessary to sustain the ongoing reputation for quality products and services. Clearly, these are the basis for development and maintenance of any world-class company.
New Certificate available!
Metallurgical Control
● Maintain molten metal temperatures, chemistry and physical properties within a narrow range.
● Metallurgical control – chemical composition and temperature – makes possible the casting of very complex, critical products and provides UNICAST with the ability to produce an extremely wide range of unique and unusual castings.
● Statistically check castings from each station for casting defects.
● Produce test bars as required in order to comply with the SPC Program
● All job and process controls are electronically stored and are accessible at any time with complete traceability of changes
● We excel at new product implementation, often getting sample’s approved within a few days of receiving new tooling
Sand Control
● State-of-the-art equipment to test mold hardness, compactability, green strength, moisture content, clay percentage and permeability
● Monitor sand to ensure we maintain the optimum balance of chemical and physical properties
● Use a higher proportion of a specially mixed facing sand than is normally required. Green sand provides a far superior surface finish – an extra quality required only by some, but provided for all by UNICAST!
Equipment and Process Control
● All Equipment is part of a thorough Preventative Maintenance program
● Recalibration and certification occurs annualy
● The combination of craftspeople who care, plus strict statistical quality control practices,
makes Unicast unique
● Assign the best qualified molder to the proper equipment to handle each product
● Monitor and evaluate performance – including methodology, cleanliness and consistency – to make certain we are providing the best possible craftsmanship – and quality products
● The first of many inspections takes place just after removal of casting sand – often while the casting is still warm to the touch
● Our craftspeople carefully remove fins, burrs and other residues from each casting – from the largest to the smallest – inside and out
● Our 100% final inspection of each casting insures that we ship only products which meet our quality standards as well as your requirements